What is HIIT?
HIIT is a popular for of training that short for “high intensity interval training”. The specifics of this involve short bouts of very challenging or fast exercise, followed by more prolonged rest time. The method has become very popular in recent years showing substantial results for those who take part. You will find different forms of this training in various classes that involve interval training, sometimes called “Tabata”. This is even harder than tradition HIIT as the exercise bouts are still short and difficult, but the rest is shorter! There are many ways to apply the principles of HIIT to your training, but the primary focus is on cardiovascular and stamina.
HIIT Workouts
- Time efficient
- Fast effective results
- Great for stamina & fat loss
- Dynamic
- Multi-functional
What does a HIIT workout look like?
There is no one right way to go through a HIIT workout. What matters is how you divide up the work and rest. As long as the work is very intense, as hard as possible and short (no more than about 30 seconds) and the rest is active, equal to the work or less you are doing HIIT. As the name suggest, it must be difficult and it must be on/off. You can do this with resistance, bodyweight or on cardio machines, in a circuit, using equipment or all of these. Short, sweet and fun!
Who Is HIIT Suitable For?
The first thing you need to know about this style of training, is that it is not for beginners. There are ways to apply the elements of it to make it easier for someone just starting out, more often known as circuit training, the intensity is just lower. Originally it was meant for athletes who already had the capacity to train at a higher level. Modern methods have been adapted form this to allow most people to be able to use HIIT as part of their workout for more conventional goals like stamina and fat loss.
No matter who you are or your background, HIIT can be adapted to be suitable for you, whether you just do a simple circuit session or tabata, there will be something for you here!